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Architecture and Refugee

Illustrated by Omer Fast
$19.95 US
4.19"W x 5.94"H x 0.44"D   | 5 oz | 40 per carton
On sale Apr 07, 2017 | 156 Pages | 9783956793141
In architectural history, just as in global politics, refugees have tended to exist as mere human surplus; histories of architecture, then, have usually reproduced the nation-state's exclusion of refugees as people out of place. Andrew Herscher's Displacements: Architecture and Refugee, the ninth book in the Critical Spatial Practice series, examines some of the usually disavowed but arguably decisive intersections of mass-population displacement and architecture—an art and technology of population placement—through the twentieth century and into the present. Posing the refugee as the preeminent collective political subject of our time, Displacements attempts to open up an architectural history of the refugee that could refract on the history of architecture and the history of the refugee alike.

Critical Spatial Practice 9
Edited by Nikolaus Hirsch, Markus Miessen
Featuring artwork by Omer Fast

Andrew Herscher is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan with appointments in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Department of Art History. His publications include Violence Taking Place: The Architecture of the Kosovo Conflict (2010), The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit (2012), and, coedited with Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Spatial Violence (2016).


In architectural history, just as in global politics, refugees have tended to exist as mere human surplus; histories of architecture, then, have usually reproduced the nation-state's exclusion of refugees as people out of place. Andrew Herscher's Displacements: Architecture and Refugee, the ninth book in the Critical Spatial Practice series, examines some of the usually disavowed but arguably decisive intersections of mass-population displacement and architecture—an art and technology of population placement—through the twentieth century and into the present. Posing the refugee as the preeminent collective political subject of our time, Displacements attempts to open up an architectural history of the refugee that could refract on the history of architecture and the history of the refugee alike.

Critical Spatial Practice 9
Edited by Nikolaus Hirsch, Markus Miessen
Featuring artwork by Omer Fast


Andrew Herscher is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan with appointments in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Department of Art History. His publications include Violence Taking Place: The Architecture of the Kosovo Conflict (2010), The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit (2012), and, coedited with Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Spatial Violence (2016).