“2,500 years ago, Hippocrates said ‘All disease begins in the gut’, and modern research has confirmed this ancient wisdom. Yet all too often our approach to improving gut health focuses too much on diet and supplements, and not enough on managing stress and more fully inhabiting our body. Allison and Stephen recognize that the gut is part of the nervous system, and that truly healing the gut isn’t possible without addressing this crucial component.”
—Chris Kresser, MS, LAc, author of The Paleo Cure
“Unwinding—the method of embodiment presented in this book—is synonymous with unwinding the harmful effects stress can have on your hormones, nervous system, brain function, mood, libido level, digestive health, and even gene expression. In this easy-to-read book you will be able to quickly get to the heart of any stress related issue you hold in your body . . . by leading with your gut. Try it. You won’t be sorry. Thank you Allison and Stephen for this contribution to the health of our population and our planet!”
—Dr. Keesha Ewers, author of Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle
“Allison and Stephen have done the miraculous: written a book about the functioning of our bodies in an ever-so-personal and delicious way. They write so clearly and with such warmth and mastery that what seemed obtuse and dry is suddenly understandable, even—dare I say—exciting. And, as a grateful recipient of Allison’s hands-on magic, I can say with utter conviction that the love that comes through her work is astounding. It is, after all, love that heals, and now we can all be recipients of that magic through this book.”
—Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God
"Through their intimate knowledge of anatomy and extensive hands-on experience, Allison and Stephen gift us with the definitive practical roadmap to a healthy gut, a stronger immune system, increased energy, and a sense of a greater quality of life. Yet the big surprise is that the practice of their simple yet powerful techniques brings us joy.”
—Greg Hicks and Rick Foster, authors of How We Choose to Be Happy
“Allison and Stephen have deep knowledge and expertise of both traditional and contemporary healing arts. But more importantly, in this book they point us to our own individual capacity to heal and to rediscover our innate wholeness. Trust your gut—buy this book.”
—Frank Ostaseski, author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully