Chapter 1: Your LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Set
Chapter 2: Building ROV3R
Chapter 3: Programming
Chapter 4: Advanced Programming with the Brick Program App
Chapter 5: EV3 Programming
Chapter 6: Experimenting with the EV3 Infrared Components
Chapter 7: The Math Behind the Magic!
Chapter 8: LEGO Recipes
Chapter 9: Building WATCHGOOZ3
Chapter 10: Programming WATCHGOOZ3
Chapter 11: Building the SUP3R CAR
Chapter 12: Programming the SUP3R CAR
Chapter 13: Building the SENTIN3L
Chapter 14: Programming the SENTIN3L
Chapter 15: Building the T-R3X
Chapter 16: Programming the T-R3X
Appendix A: The EV3 31313 Set Bill of Materials
Appendix B: Differences Between the Education Set and Retail Set