In Earth Magic, Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses, augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth. Although the foundation for Earth Magic is universal shamanic wisdom, you don’t need to have an interest in shamanism to benefit from its contents, as it expands beyond this topic to incorporate processes that are useful for all those with the sincere intention to heal themselves, others, and our planet.
Dr. Steven D. Farmer is the author of the bestselling Animal Spirit Guides, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Sacred Ceremony, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, Earth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet, and the soon-to-be-released Earth Magic Oracle Cards (Nov 2010). He's also host of his own radio show, Earth Magic Radio on Dr. Farmer is a Soul Healer, shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, and former psychotherapist, offering workshops on Soul Healing, various shamanic topics and private consultations.
In Earth Magic, Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and philosophies that have proven over millennia to help heal the spiritual causes of physical and emotional illnesses, augment personal power, enhance manifestation abilities, and encourage a balanced and harmonious relationship with our Earth. Although the foundation for Earth Magic is universal shamanic wisdom, you don’t need to have an interest in shamanism to benefit from its contents, as it expands beyond this topic to incorporate processes that are useful for all those with the sincere intention to heal themselves, others, and our planet.
Dr. Steven D. Farmer is the author of the bestselling Animal Spirit Guides, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Sacred Ceremony, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, Earth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet, and the soon-to-be-released Earth Magic Oracle Cards (Nov 2010). He's also host of his own radio show, Earth Magic Radio on Dr. Farmer is a Soul Healer, shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, and former psychotherapist, offering workshops on Soul Healing, various shamanic topics and private consultations.