A beautiful story about adoption—and how each child is a blessing.
Every night before she goes to sleep, a kangaroo prays under the stars for a baby to love and hold. One day, as she rests under a tree, a baby bird falls out of its crowded nest—plop!—right into her pouch!
Now, every night before they fall asleep, Momma-Roo and Little One thank God for all their blessings . . . but especially for each other.
The book closes with a quote from Ephesians 1:5: “In love he destined us for adoption to himself. . . .”
Elizabeth Edge is an artist who illustrated the children’s book A Blessing from Above. After receiving her bachelor of fine arts degree from Auburn University in 1986, she got a job in advertising as a graphic designer, then went on to work as an artist and designer for the Southern Progress Corporation until 1995. Edge now creates commissioned paintings, including portraits and landscapes.
View titles by Elizabeth Edge
A beautiful story about adoption—and how each child is a blessing.
Every night before she goes to sleep, a kangaroo prays under the stars for a baby to love and hold. One day, as she rests under a tree, a baby bird falls out of its crowded nest—plop!—right into her pouch!
Now, every night before they fall asleep, Momma-Roo and Little One thank God for all their blessings . . . but especially for each other.
The book closes with a quote from Ephesians 1:5: “In love he destined us for adoption to himself. . . .”
Elizabeth Edge is an artist who illustrated the children’s book A Blessing from Above. After receiving her bachelor of fine arts degree from Auburn University in 1986, she got a job in advertising as a graphic designer, then went on to work as an artist and designer for the Southern Progress Corporation until 1995. Edge now creates commissioned paintings, including portraits and landscapes.
View titles by Elizabeth Edge