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Lane Smith, author portrait
© Bob Shea

Lane Smith

Lane Smith is a five-time recipient of the New York Times Best Illustrated Book award and a two-time Caldecott Honor recipient. In 2012 the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art named him a Carle Artist for “lifelong innovation in the field of children’s picture books,” and in 2014 he was awarded the lifetime achievement award from the Society of Illustrators. He is the illustrator of many books, including The Stinky Cheese Man, and the author/illustrator of It’s a Book, Grandpa Green, and John, Paul, George & Ben, among others. He is married to book designer Molly Leach.
A Stickler Valentine
A Stickler Christmas
El Muñequito de Queso Apestoso y otros cuentos con demasiadas tontadas (The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales Spanish Edition)
Stickler Loves the World
A Gift for Nana
Cat Problems
Giraffe Problems
Penguin Problems
Princess Hyacinth (The Surprising Tale of a Girl Who Floated)
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs 25th Anniversary Edition
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs / La Verdadera Historiade los TresCerditos
Baloney (Henry P.)
Science Verse
The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy #3
Tut, Tut #6
Your Mother Was a Neanderthal #4
Summer Reading Is Killing Me! #7
It's All Greek to Me #8
2095 #5
Squids Will Be Squids
The Not-So-Jolly Roger #2
The Knights of the Kitchen Table #1
James and the Giant Peach
Math Curse
The Stinky Cheese Man


A Stickler Valentine
A Stickler Christmas
El Muñequito de Queso Apestoso y otros cuentos con demasiadas tontadas (The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales Spanish Edition)
Stickler Loves the World
A Gift for Nana
Cat Problems
Giraffe Problems
Penguin Problems
Princess Hyacinth (The Surprising Tale of a Girl Who Floated)
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs 25th Anniversary Edition
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs / La Verdadera Historiade los TresCerditos
Baloney (Henry P.)
Science Verse
The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy #3
Tut, Tut #6
Your Mother Was a Neanderthal #4
Summer Reading Is Killing Me! #7
It's All Greek to Me #8
2095 #5
Squids Will Be Squids
The Not-So-Jolly Roger #2
The Knights of the Kitchen Table #1
James and the Giant Peach
Math Curse
The Stinky Cheese Man

Wild Symphony

#1 New York Times bestselling author Dan Brown’s mindful, humorous musical, and uniquely entertaining picture book now in paperback! Travel through the trees and across the seas with Maestro Mouse and his musical friends! Young readers will meet a big blue whale and speedy cheetahs, tiny beetles and graceful swans. Each has a special secret to share.

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Wild Symphony

This Little Kitty

With a bold, graphic style and a bouncy, rhyming text, this picture book catches rascally kittens being their adorable (and mischievous!) selves from morning to nap to night. This little kitty starts the day and meows, “Wake up! It’s time to play! All the little kitties get out of bed. Their bellies grumble—it’s time to be

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Cat Problems by Jory John On Sale Now

What could a pampered house cat possibly have to complain about? This latest collaboration from picture book superstars–and cat devotees–Lane Smith and Jory John brings with it a hilarious set of feline problems!     New from Jory John… Summer Camp Critter Jitters Jory John, Liz Climo 978-0-593-11098-0 $17.99 US Hardcover First Day Critter Jitters Jory

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