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Brittany Polat, PhD, author portrait
© Keni Parks

Brittany Polat, PhD

Brittany Polat is a writer and researcher on Stoicism as a way of life. She is cofounder of the nonprofit Stoicare, which promotes the Stoic principles of wisdom, well-being, community, and care. She is also a steering committee member of Modern Stoicism and a board member of the Stoic Fellowship, two nonprofit organizations that advance public engagement with Stoicism. Brittany has a PhD in applied linguistics but now spends most of her time sharing Stoicism worldwide through her writing, talks, and interviews.


Books for Aquarius Season

The sea-goat takes a dip as the water bearer takes its place when Aquarius rules the skies from January 20 – February 18! With radical Uranus as their ruling planet, Aquarians posses a fiercely independent and inventive spirit. They’re at their most fulfilled when they’re chasing their dreams and appreciate being given the space to

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