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Emily L. Glaser, RN, C.Ay, author portrait
© Colleen E. Hayes Images

Emily L. Glaser, RN, C.Ay

Emily L. Glaser, RN, is a certified Ayurveda practitioner and Vedic astrologer. With a background in clinical nursing and the culinary arts, Emily brings together extensive experience across traditions to help bridge the East-West paradigm. Emily maintains an education and Ayurveda residency with her teacher Dr. Ramachandran Ramadas and Vaidyagrama Ayurveda healing village in Coimbatore, southern India. Visit her work at


Celebrate Mother’s Day!

Celebrate all the women in your life–moms, aunts, grandmothers–no matter who helped to raise you and contribute to your growth, they deserve a big thank you! Luckily, there’s a book for everyone! Check out our Mother’s Day collections below.   Children’s Mother’s Day titles→ Children’s Bestsellers for Mother’s Day→ Mother’s Day: Gift titles→ Mother’s Day:

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