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Nelly Buchet, author portrait
© Brandon Bernath

Nelly Buchet

Nelly Buchet is the author of a dozen books for young readers, including ALA Notable Cat Dog Dog: The Story of a Blended Family, which was chosen by children around the world as the 2021 Irma Black Award for Excellence in Children's Literature winner. She has taught nonviolent conflict resolution in schools and created a nonprofit project that brings picture books to refugee children through orphanages and libraries. French-American, she lives in Berlin and loves dance and dogs, preferably together.


Pepita Meets Bebita

When dog meets baby, it will take a little time and a lot of love for Pepita and Bebita to become the best of friends. Welcoming a new baby can be hard, especially when you’re used to being the center of attention! When it’s time for Pepita, the puppy of the family, to meet the

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