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Olivia Koski, author portrait
© Ferris Jabr

Olivia Koski

Olivia Koski is Head of Operations at Guerilla Science. She was previously a senior producer at the Atavist Magazine, where she produced 30 interactive journalism stories, five of which were nominated for a National Magazine Award and one an Emmy. She has a masters in journalism from NYU, and her writing has appeared in WiredPopular Mechanics, and Scientific American.

Meet the Author: Olivia Koski & Jana Grcevich (VACATION GUIDE TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM)



Meet the Author: Olivia Koski & Jana Grcevich (VACATION GUIDE TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM)

Out of This World!

On February 6th, at around a quarter to four in the afternoon, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center on its first test flight. It carried a cherry red Tesla Roadster as cargo. Strapped into the front seat, a mannequin dubbed Starman gripped the wheel. SpaceX streamed the

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Out of This World!