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David McMillan, author portrait
© Jennifer May

David McMillan

David McMillan is the co-owner/chef of Joe Beef, Liverpool House, Vin Papillon, Mon Lapin and McKiernan as well as partner in Les Vins Dame-Jeanne wine agency. Born and raised in Quebec City, David has been involved in Montreal’s restaurants since the age of seventeen and continues to explore, teach, and be fascinated by unique traditional French country cooking. David is father to his three daughters, Dylan, Lola, and Cecile, whom he loves, and when not found at any of the three restaurants on the Little Burgundy block, he’s at his Barkmere cottage.
Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse
The Art of Living According to Joe Beef


Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse
The Art of Living According to Joe Beef