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Stephen Hawking, author portrait

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years and the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His books for the general reader include My Brief History, the classic A Brief History of Time, the essay collection Black Holes and Baby Universes, The Universe in a Nutshell, and, with Leonard Mlodinow, A Briefer History of Time and The Grand Design. Stephen Hawking died in 2018.


Out of This World!

On February 6th, at around a quarter to four in the afternoon, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center on its first test flight. It carried a cherry red Tesla Roadster as cargo. Strapped into the front seat, a mannequin dubbed Starman gripped the wheel. SpaceX streamed the

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Out of This World!