Emily Post Answers Etiquette Questions for the Modern World

By Kat La Mantia | February 7 2023 | GeneralAllAdultsBlog

When is the best time to introduce someone’s pronouns in a conversation? Am I obligated to tip at a payment screen? What’s the best way to handle allergies and dietary restrictions at a dinner party? Should I inform houseguests about my Alexa?

Emily Post’s Etiquette, The Centennial Edition answers all these questions and more, with updated etiquette advice for our ever-changing modern lives. Blending the classic concerns like gift-giving, thank-you notes, everyday conversation, and hosting with newer etiquette dilemmas like how to politely handle devices and the best practices for effective virtual meetings, this completely rewritten guide to manners is an invaluable roadmap on how to handle any situation.

If you’ve ever wondered what to say when your friend shares bad news, if you’ve ever felt out of place or flustered at a fancy dinner, if you’ve ever been trapped in a tangled web of awkward conversation, this book is for you.




This centennial edition of Emily Post’s classic guide to etiquette has been completely rewritten with up-to-date and comprehensive advice on the need-to-know manners, customs, and best practices of today.
$35.00 US
Oct 04, 2022
7 x 9
416 Pages
Ten Speed Press