Practice Slow Birding Wherever You Live

By Virginia Price | August 25 2022 | AdultsGeneralGift

Slow Birding by Joan E. Strassmann is a one-of-a-kind guide to birding locally that encourages readers to slow down and notice the spectacular birds all around them, no matter where they live in the US.

This essential guide to the fascinating world of common, everyday birds features:

  • detailed portraits of individual bird species and the scientists who have discovered and observed them
  • advice and guidance on what to look for when slow birding, so that you can uncover clues to the reasons behind specific bird behaviors
  • bird-focused activities that will open your eyes more to the fascinating world of birds

Slow Birding is the perfect guide for the birder (beginner or experienced) looking to appreciate the beauty of the birds right in their own backyard, observing keenly how their behaviors change from day to day and season to season.

Here’s a sample of the birds in your area (click for full image and feel free to share!):



The Art and Science of Enjoying the Birds in Your Own Backyard 
A one-of-a-kind guide to birding locally that encourages readers to slow down and notice the spectacular birds all around them.
$28.00 US
Oct 25, 2022
5-1/2 x 8-1/4
352 Pages