Mad Libs Rack – Facts and Fills

By Kat La Mantia | August 19 2019 | AllBlogRetailer ResourcesChildren'sGeneral

Mad Libs Spinner Rack
ISBN: 978-0-14-753776-8

Rack Facts:

  • Total Number of Facings: 16
  • Total Titles: Max fill of 128, Min order qty of 200
  • Total Units Per Pocket: 6-8
    • Bottom row sized to fit Mad Libs Jr. & Workbooks
  • Display Dimensions
    • Footprint: 12″W x 12″D
    • Height: 69.5″H

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Suggested Fills:

Mad Libs – Bestsellers
Mad Libs – Pop Culture & Licensed
Mad Libs – Holidays
Mad Libs – Adult
