Little flourishes make all the difference…

By Caroline O'Connor | February 15 2019 | GiftGeneral

Check out our NY NOW booth! Please see below for the little touches we incorporated into our booth that strengthen our book displays. These bright and homey enhancements grab the customer’s eye and help them imagine how they can merchandise our product in their store.


We brightened up our garden section with succulents and plants and incorporated a golden trellis-like panel to clip examples of our beautiful stationery to.

In our cocktail section we artfully arranged the adorable Mini Bar box set on a drink tray with a shot glass. This caught a lot of attention as it not only displayed the box set but also gave the customer a chance to view the creative cover art and color scheme of the booklets inside.

We fanned out Thich Nhat Hanh’s How To series in a faux wooden bowl that complimented our Health & Wellness table’s aesthetic.

Lastly, we created a gallery wall with art from some of Penguin Random House’s bestselling children’s books (curtesy of Framebridge) and framed prints from Petra’s Garden, Salt Fat Acid Heat, Rad Women, and Emily Winfield Martin’s exceedingly popular Dream World.