Gmorning, Gnight!

By Caroline O'Connor | July 19 2018 | AdultsGeneralAllGiftPop Culture

Little Pep Talks for Me & You

Lin-Manuel Miranda

ON SALE 2018-10-23


From the creator and star of Hamilton, with beautiful illustrations by Jonny Sun, comes a book of affirmations to inspire readers at the beginning and end of each day.

Good morning. Do NOT get stuck in the comments section of life today. Make, do, create the things. Let others tussle it out. Vamos!

Before he inspired the world with Hamilton and was catapulted to international fame, Lin-Manuel Miranda was inspiring his Twitter followers with words of encouragement at the beginning and end of each day. He wrote these original sayings, aphorisms, and poetry for himself as much as for others. But as Miranda’s audience grew, these messages took on a life on their own. Now, at the request of countless fans, Miranda has gathered the best of his daily greetings into a beautiful collection illustrated by acclaimed artist (and fellow Twitter favorite) Jonny Sun. Full of comfort and motivation, Gmorning, Gnight! is a touchstone for anyone looking for a lift.


$22.00 US
Random House Group Random House
11 oz 12 per carton
On sale Oct 23, 2018 208 Pages 978-1-9848-5427-8
Little Pep Talks for Me & You
From the creator and star of Hamilton, with beautiful illustrations by Jonny Sun, comes a book of affirmations to inspire readers at the beginning and end of each day.
$25.00 US
Oct 16, 2018
5 x 7-1/2
224 Pages
Random House