Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles YELLOW SUBMARINE!

By Caroline O'Connor | May 14 2018 | GeneralPop CultureGiftAll

“Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles YELLOW SUBMARINE, the Beatles’ innovative film “Yellow Submarine” will return to theaters July 8th in a new 4K restoration created to mark the movie’s 50th anniversary.    Specific cities and theaters are announced here:  http://www.yellowsubmarine.film/.

The original film was restored by hand, frame by frame instead of using automated software.    The film was something of an extension of an animated TV series originally running for 3 seasons from 1965 – 1967 on Saturday mornings on ABC.    The 39 episodes placed animated versions of the Beatles into wacky situations built around their songs – 2 of which were featured in each installment.”

The movie was a success in 1968, but has never had much of a life since then.  This is a story that appeals even to young children, but it also has a knowing, funny style that adds an undertow of sophistication. The narration and dialogue are credited to four writers (including Love Story‘s Erich Segal), and yet the overall tone is the one struck by John Lennon in his books In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works.


  • Yellow Submarine was voted one of Rolling Stone’s 40 Greatest Animated movies ever
  • Time Out voted the movie as one of the top 20 animated movies of all time
  • Stunning fully painted artwork by Bill Morrison (NOT Peter Max)


**From the LA Times, Randy Lewis